Masefield Primary School
Masefield Primary School serves the local community of Little Lever, which is located 2.4 miles south east of Bolton town centre. The school previously operated under a standard admission number of 40, however this has been reduced to 30 from September 2020. The school also operates a Nursery provision that is located in a separate EYFS unit on the same site.
Most pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of pupils who are supported by the pupil premium (23%) is above average. The number of pupils who receive SEN support is slightly below average as is the number of pupils supported by Education, Health, Care Plans.
The school offers an enriching curriculum provision which provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities and experiences. Curriculum experiences include range of visits and visitors into school, as well as in-house learning celebrations, such as multi-cultural week. Masefield has strong community links and school fundraising events are well attended.
The Local Governing Board support the school. As part of their work they regularly review aspects of school performance. This is done through termly meetings as well as school visits where they spend time in classes and meeting subject leaders. The Trust Board provide challenge and support at a strategic level.
In July 2019, Masefield underwent its first Ofsted inspection since the formation of the Trust in 2016. The school was judged to be good and the effective partnership within the Trust was recognised:
‘The school has benefited from the opportunities that have been available by joining the BASE multi-academy trust. You have received support from an effective executive headteacher and knowledgeable trustees. They hold leaders to account for the performance of the school by asking incisive questions at meetings. Together, you have created a vision for school improvement based on a clear view of the school’s strengths and weaknesses.’
The full report can be accessed below:
Masefield Primary School Ofsted Report
More information about Red Lane Primary School can be found by visiting the school website.
Contact details
Masefield Primary School
Masefield Road
Little Lever
Telephone: 01204 333714
Head of School: Mr A Done