"The school has benefited from the opportunities that have been available by joining the BASE multi-academy trust. You have received support from an effective executive headteacher and knowledgeable trustees. OFSTED"

Red Lane Primary School

Red Lane Primary School serves the local community of Breightmet, which is located 2 miles north east of Bolton town centre.

The school is a larger than average primary school with a published admissions number of 60 pupils per year group. It also operates a large Nursery provision as well as an Under Threes Nursery provision for disadvantaged two year olds. Many parents of pupils in the school also attended Red Lane themselves as children and so the school is very well known by many of the families it serves.

Most pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of pupils who are supported by the pupil premium (63%) is well above average. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs supported through school action is well above average as is the proportion of pupils supported by Education, Health, Care Plans.

Central to the school’s work is the provision of social and emotional support for pupils, as well as enriching curriculum provision which provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities and experiences, which a large proportion of pupils would not have otherwise, in order to increase skills, knowledge, language and aspiration.

Local Governors provide support for the school. They regularly review aspects of the school’s work and gain first-hand views of the school through their regular visits to classes and through meetings with subject leaders in the school. The Trust Board provide challenge and support at a strategic level.

In July 2019, Red Lane underwent its first Ofsted inspection since the formation of the Trust in 2016. The school was judged to be good. The following strengths were noted:

  • ‘Leaders’ drive and commitment is shared by staff, trustees and governors. Together, they have created a safe learning environment at the heart of the community. ‘
  • ‘Leaders are committed to helping disadvantaged pupils to overcome barriers to learning, particularly in relation to their social and emotional development’
  • ‘There are clear lines of responsibility in the structure of the trust. The local governing board reports termly to the board of trustees on the quality of education in the school. Members of the board of trustees and the local governing board have the breadth of knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to hold leaders to account. They fulfil their statutory duties well.’


The full report can be accessed below:

Red Lane Primary School Ofsted Report

More information about Red Lane Primary School can be found by visiting the school website.

Contact details

Red Lane Primary School 
Red Lane

Email: office@red-lane.bolton.sch.uk

Telephone: 01204 333580

Head of School: Mrs R Driver